

Romy has a profound understanding of my technique and human behaviour.

With her intuition and eye for detail, she gives actors effective tools to use their own personal experiences and recreate interesting and dynamic characters with many psychological layers. 

~ IVANA CHUBBUCK (Los Angeles, USA) 

Working with Romy was amazing. She helped me get a deeper connection to my character and I belive that her steering me through the script has helped my performance a lot. I am excited to work with her again.

~ TWAN KUYPER (USA/NL) -  'Love Fail Repeat'

Romy is committed, professional and purpose-driven. My acting process has been profoundly enriched by the quality questions she's been helping to raise. Working with her helped me deepen my exploration of my character, understand his universal nature and find the fire to win. I couldn't recommend enough working with her.

~ MATTEO FRANCO (UK/USA/IT) - HBO 'SAS Rogues Heroes', Season 2

With her deep psychological insight and knowledge of the Chubbuck Technique Romy has helped to deepen my acting skills and really grow as an actress.  Working with her allows me to make characters deeper, more layered, and fuller.  Romy is very professional and inspiring to work with and I will look forward to working with her many more times in the future.

~  SALLIE HARMSEN (NL/UK/USA) - Golden Calf Winner

Romy really helped in furthering my understanding of applying the Chubbuck technique in practice and also asked the right questions in getting me to be honest with myself, sparking a deepening curiosity into my personal wants needs fears etc. Her sensitive yet precise approach allowed me to feel comfortable from the get go and our sessions permitted me to be far less judgemental of my own psyche - creating a healthy, useful self awareness which is key in the creation of dynamic, honest and flawed characters.

~ AASIYA SHAH (UK) - Raised by Wolves/ Blood 

Romy is a super powerful and inspiring acting coach. The classes I took with her were spicy, honest and raw - in the positive sense of the word. You have to have guts to work with Romy, but I also think you have to have guts to play interestingly. At least, to portray lifelike and unpredictable characters. To be able to show unfiltered and unpolished all the facets of human drama. Romy goes much further than just trying to play 'as realistically as possible'. She searches for the core, for the heart of the scene. Even if it's comedy. That's what she tries to steer you towards. And that's exciting, but incredibly liberating afterwards. That, I think, is why we ultimately like to watch actors or why we like to play ourselves.

~ MELODY KLAVER (NL), Golden Calf Winner 'Best Actress' 2019 (in 'Rafaël')

What is so unique about Romy is that she does far more than guide and facilitate the actor. She has the ability to connect with her student to the point of creating a safe bubble. In doing so, one can dredge up the deepest and most raw emotions from real life and harness what one can often describe as "that shit" in order to turn it to gold.  She doesn't just teach the technique and craft of acting; she teaches the individual how to be a better actor. To represent our unified humanity, an actor needs to understand their own. Romy walks this journey hand in hand with you, helping you to find the truth, so that you can offer it to others in your performance. Romy gets you to the point where you can let go and live your character's life in the moment the director calls "action". The Chubbuck technique is a harmonious marriage of craft and method. Romy is your facilitator and there is no better woman, whom I've worked with to do the job!

~ CHARLOTTE PETERS (UK/ USA) - A Pound of Flesh / Interlude in Prague

Romy is a great acting coach. Her classes are a safe place to experiment with the Chubbubck technique, which is an absolute must. She has a sharp eye and dares to push your boundaries, but at the same time is precise in her instructions.
The Chubbuck technique is something I - I think - have been looking for all along. A technique with practical tools and concrete steps that serve to make the line between fiction and non-fiction as thin as possible and allow you to make games really dangerous. Really dangerous, and scary, because you are working with everything that is you yourself. The Chubbuck technique has opened the doors for me to a dimension that is infinite and both terrifies and excites me, both makes me feel confident and makes me feel incompetent: exactly the area you need to be in to grow.
I am grateful: acting has become a great new journey for me.


Unfortunately, it often happens that you are on your own as an actor on a film set because the director is busy with so much more than the actors. With one or more coaching sessions from Romy, I always come prepared, and know what I need to do to portray emotionally charged roles.

~ RIFKA LODEIZEN (NL) - Tonio (Golden Calf nominee) / Onder de blote hemel/ La  Holandesa

I am absolutely convinced that Romy has opened a door to infinite growth in my profession. Ivana Chubbuck's technique is a technique of courage, hope and self-knowledge and makes you not only a better actor but a better person, if you dare...!

~ NANETTE DRAZIC (NL) - De Verbouwing (Golden Calf nominee) 

Romy gives me clear tools to consciously use unconscious psychological processes from everyday life. This helps me to create interesting and layered characters. For my role in 'Fighter's Heart' I worked intensively with her. The result of our hard work paid off. Laudatory press reviews emphatically talked about the layering and intensity of my character.

~ IMANUELLE GRIVES (NL) - Celblok H / Vechtershart

Thanks to Romy my bag of emotional stones became a bag of tools which I can use in my acting

and in my life.

~ POAL CAIRO (NL) - Alberta / Schone handen / GTST / Baantjer

The Chubbuck Technique has had a far-reaching impact not only on my playing, but on my entire life. For not only does it enable me to tap into my deepest souls when I play, but the technique also gives me life energy! This has to do with the essence of the technique: choose to keep fighting for your goal, despite great difficulties. Use your pain as a driving force to pursue your passion in life. The impact of this is not limited to the lessons. It fuels a fire in me! And that is also because of Romy. She is one of the best teachers, I know. She sees everything, names it crystal clear, gives me exactly the clues I need, and it feels very familiar to open up with her. The book 'The Power of the Actor' already provides great tools. But Romy is the one who really makes the technique come alive in practice.

~ MEHRNOUSH RAHMANI (NL) - Moordvrouw / Flikken Rotterdam

My first experience with the Chubbuck Technique was at the Chubbuck Studio in LA. I was so inspired after learning the technique, I was anxious to keep training. I was delighted when I found out Romy taught the technique in Holland, both through workshops and privately.

Romy is an amazing teacher; she doesn't just give you feedback, she really works and thinks WITH you, to make sure you reach your highest potential. The technique has done so many amazing things for me; it has literally changed my acting. Recently, I asked Romy for help when a very important audition came up for a part in War Horse that I had wanted since I first saw the play years ago. Thanks to the technique and Romy's help... I got the part! After each round of auditions I called Romy, she was so supportive and always gave me advice for the next round. My dream has come true and I am forever grateful!



Alles wat Romy mij geleerd heeft, was meer dan krachtig. De Chubbuck techniek heeft me als regisseur dichterbij de acteur gebracht, het spel en het verhaal Romy heeft een psycho-analytische blik om het uiterste uit de acteurs te halen.

~ RANDA NASSR (NL) - director

Ik heb dankzij de Chubbuck Technique en de begeleiding van Romy de laatste jaren een enorme verdieping in mijn spel weten te brengen. Romy is uiterst scherp en analytisch en geeft je de veiligheid om de donkere kanten van jezelf te onderzoeken, waardoor je werk interessanter, geslaagder en menselijker wordt. Ze creëert een veilige omgeving waarin je als acteur aan durft om je donkere kant en diepste angsten aan te boren. Ze heeft een scherp observatievermogen; voelt precies aan wat een scene nodig heeft en weet dit op doordringende, doch liefdevolle manier uit haar acteurs te krijgen. 

~ ROEL DIRVEN (NL) - Soldaat van Oranje / Goede Tijden Slechte Tijden

Dankzij de Chubbuck-lessen van Romy heb ik als actrice een diepere laag ontdekt in mijn spel. Ook ga ik met meer vertrouwen naar audities.

~ DEWI REIJS (NL) - Een echte Vermeer

De Chubbuck techniek biedt je een zee van handvaten om door middel van je eigen levenservaring tot de kern van je personage te komen.  De ongoing scenestudies zie ik als een heel erg fijne ‘actors gym’ om in shape te blijven. Romy is een fantastische docente en coach. In de groepsles weet ze een veilige, inspirerende en motiverende sfeer te creëren waarbij acteurs elkaar helpen en uitdagen. Ze voelt precies aan wat een scene nodig heeft, en hoe je dat kunt bereiken als acteur. Op een enorm persoonlijke en liefdevolle manier weet ze in iedereen het beste naar boven te halen. 


Romy heeft een rijke kennis van de menselijke psyche, is enorm intuïtief en gezegend met een groot empathisch vermogen. Ze zorgt ervoor dat je durft te spelen vanuit je ziel.


Romy is een goeie luisteraar, zodat zij goed begrijpt hoe ze je kan begeleiden als acteur. Er is geen sprake van 'Teacher Ego' waardoor jij je vrij en veilig voelt om persoonlijke dingen te delen die je werk als acteur zullen vervorderen. Romy is open-minded, maar vooral een vrouw met een groot hart. Ik hoop dat ze nog heel lang door blijft gaan met het coachen van acteurs.

~ CYRIEL GUDS (NL)  Intouchables / Zwarte Tulp/ Heer en Meester/ Suriname

Romy is erg sterk in het ontrafelen van de psychologie achter de personages. Ze helpt met de verbinding tussen wie je zelf bent als acteur en het personage dat je speelt. Hierdoor kom je als acteur sneller tot overtuigend spel en krijg je de ruimte om gewaagdere keuzes te maken.


The Chubbuck Technique has provided me with a reliable set of tools that unlock the deepest drives of a character, and allow me to find them in myself - in a way that is emotionally intelligent and that leads to very personal, real, in the body connections, and that also gives me something to really go after. Working with Romy has been a revelation - her intuitiveness and deep understanding of human behaviour and of the technique, coupled with her supportive and passionate way of teaching has brought me to a path I've been long searching for.


Romy's classes are a real treat and gem for any aspiring actor who is looking for a grounded, connected and truthful set of skills.

I have worked with Romy for a while now and she is an excellent teacher. Truly inspiring, intuitive and has a great eye for detail. I always feel I have gained and grown more after every workshop.

Looking forward to the next class!


Working with Romy has been a revelation - she is totally honest and gets to the heart of the matter immediately. I have always responded well to her feedback and guidance and it has helped me to cut away what doesn't serve me as an actor. I am only sorry that we don't see more of her here in London. If you get the opportunity to work with her using the Chubbuck technique then don't hesitate to do so.


Dear Romy,

I really enjoyed your Chubbuck Technique Workshop. As an acting coach myself, I was curious about Ivana's work and got my first chance to observe her in London. I was very impressed watching her work with actors, but I was also eager for an opportunity to participate myslef as an actor, to see what influence it would bring to my own technique. Your workshop gave me this chance. You chose interesting scenes that were amazingly well cast, then you guided us to more interesting and deeper performances with skill, patience, sensitivity and concern. What fun it is to help actors find the power to fight to win, using their own unique talents and personalities. The results we achieved are the proof ! THANK YOU !

~ JOHN FLANDERS (BE) - Flanders Acting Studio, Brussels

Voor mij is de Chubbuck Technique een openbaring in mijn spel. Het heeft mij als actrice echt in het moment kunnen brengen door de gehele scene met heel veel spel plezier. De handvaten zijn helder, logisch, primair en het allerbelangrijkste je kan: zijn! De workshop is op hoog professioneel niveau in een ontspannen werksfeer, heel fijn!


Dankzij de unieke manier van lesgeven van Romy, in combinatie met deze geweldige techniek, zie ik zelfs na drie jaar acteurs studie, en 7 jaar ervaring in het vak, meer dan ooit in wat spelen is. Spel dat voortkomt uit een echte menselijke drive, uit je rugzak des levens. Haar psychologische kennis van de mens, en vermogen tot samenvoeging van jou persoonlijke 'materiaal' met de techniek, is groots. Bij Romy leer je jezelf kennen, door jezelf tegen te komen, stijg je boven jezelf uit en ga je keihard op je bek. Spelen is voor mij na Romy pas spelen geworden. Wat ik voorheen deed was lang niet het niveau dat Romy met Chubbuck in je naar boven haalt. Ze is een echte coach met een geweldige techniek, en inmiddels onmisbaar voor mij als acteur.


Door met de  Chubbuck techniek een script te analyseren, kan ik met alle rijkheid van mijn eigen ervaringen de denkbeeldige wereld van het script in stappen en het karakter met meer diepte en gelaagdheid tot leven kan brengen. Het geeft me zowel houvast als vrijheid bij het spelen. De workshops bij Romy inspireren me altijd weer om me verder te blijven ontwikkelen als actrice.

~ JET PAGNIER (NL) - Vrijland

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Ongoing Chubbuck Training

Weekly Ongoing Scene Study classes in Amsterdam.

Private coaching (actors & directors)

Prepare for an audition or part.

Intensive Workshops

2-day workshops, also for actors who want to get introduced to the Chubbuck Technique.

Masterclass Ivana Chubbuck

Ivana teaches masterclasses for professional actors in Europe.